Yeah the program they do is geared toward shirted work and competition benching. Most of them have denim/double denim shirts and one thing they make sure of is that they know how to get every pound they can out of their shirts. If you are not using a shirt, you could still use militia training, but your focus would be low boards rather than high boards and shirted work. So the volume they use on their shirt/top end day you would use on your raw day, and you wouldn't have so much volume on your high board day. One main difference between MM and westside, is the MM guys take a few days off every couple of weeks to recover from the amount of work they do. Working yourself up in volume over time seems like a reasonable way to transition into MM. During my next training cycle, I'm going to use mostly MM while keeping the speed work. I will do this on my raw day. We'll see how it goes. For training tri's in the bench plane though, can't get much better than board presses. Also all the benching seems to improve my ability to keep my lats tight, and my setup is automatic now. If you will be competition benching, I think both have something to offer. I need my speed work. You have to pick what works for you though.