IronLion said:
I wanted to ask you about that, do they do log press for 1 rm and if so are you allowed to use your legs cause I was. Basically what are the rules for something like that?
This is the rules listing for the Pro's. In the Amateurs...they aren't nearly as strict. It is basically anything goes. The log that is used also plays a big role in how it feels in your hands. You can dip and double dip.
1. Log Press
a. Max weight - Standardized for American Records
i. Promoter will determine 3 or 4 attempts and can allow one pass, or every athlete must press each weight.
ii. The athlete will have 60 seconds to complete the lift, once he is called to begin the lift.
iii. 8” – 10” Log – Grips to be 24 inches to 29 inches wide.
iv. No towel or other such object in belt.
v. Standard power belt, back is not to be built up more than 8” wide.
vi. Arm Position - When log is pushed overhead the athlete’s arms must be locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. Athlete must wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count.
vii. Athlete’s feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
viii. The athlete can clean and press, jerk press or continental and press the weight
ix. Athlete must lower the log under control to the ground.
x. Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
b. Clean and Press for Reps- Standardized for American Records
i. Clean and Press every time -On each rep the athlete after receiving the down signal must bring the wt. down and touch the tires or wood before going back up with the log.
ii. Weight – 275 lb.
iii. 8” to 10” OD Log – Grips to be 24 inches to 29 inches wide.
iv. No towel or other such object in belt.
v. Standard power belt, back is not to be built up more than 8” wide.
vi. Arm Position - When log is pushed overhead the athlete’s arms must be locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. Athlete must wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count.
vii. Athlete’s feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
viii. The athlete can clean and press, jerk press or continental and press the weight
ix. Time Limit 90 seconds
x. Athlete must lower the log under control to the ground.
xi. Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
2. Viking Press:
i. Height should vary with height of competitor. It is the athlete's responsibility to make sure the support stand is at an appropriate height that does not interfere with his regular pressing motion.
ii. Chalk only may be used to in this event
iii. No towel or other such object in belt.
iv. Standard power belt no built up or extra wide belts
v. No supporting gear maybe worn on the elbows.
vi. Feet Position - Athletes feet my not go farther back than 18” from the vertical position if the bar. Athletes’ feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
vii. Arm Position - When the Viking press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count. The athlete must maintain both hands on the handles of the apparatus at all times. If he rests the apparatus down on the support stand, his turn is over.
viii. On each rep the athlete after receiving the down signal must bring the wt. down and touch the chest or go below the chin with the bar before starting the next rep. If the apparatus comes in contact with the support stand while the athlete is between repetitions, he may receive one warning. If a second contact is made, his turn will be considered completed.
ix. Athletes are not allowed to let the apparatus drop to the support from the overhead position
x. The athlete can jerk press, push press or press the weight into position.
xi. Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 60-90 seconds
xii. Any and all anatomical limitations preventing a lockout as described above must be demonstrated to the judge prior to the start of the event. This is solely the responsibility of the athlete.
3. Axle Clean and Press for Reps
-Standardized for American Records
i. Clean Once, and pressed overhead for reps
ii. Weight 310 lb.
iii. Axle Diameter - 1.9” up to 2.5”
iv. No towel or other such object in belt.
v. Standard power belt no built up or extra wide belts
vi. Athlete must clean the axle up to the chest – The athlete can continental the weight if necessary.
vii. Arm Position - When the axle press is pushed over the athlete’s head and the arms are locked out or motion stopped if the athlete cannot lock out the arm. The Athlete must then wait until judge gives down signal for rep to count.
viii. Feet and Legs at Lockout of the weight - Athletes feet must be parallel and standing in an upright position.
ix. Athletes are not allowed to let the axle drop from the overhead position and they must control the axle on the way down.
x. The athlete can jerk press, push press or press the weight into position
xi. The athlete must touch the chest or go below the chin each time the wt. is brought down before pushing the weight back overhead.
xii. Athlete’s reps will be counted in the pre-determined time limit of 60-90 seconds