I think I have found the perfect pre-workout energy booster for me. After trying all the stimulants (redline, redbull, t-rex, BSN NO-Xplode, stimulant-X) which all they did was make me hyper active and massive headcahes after.
Amazingly this is what seems to work best....
1. One bowl of low-sugar Instant Oats with cup fat free milk
2. One large Banana
3. 200mg Ibuprofen
4. 3 tbsp of Twinlab Liquid Amino Acids
This gave me energy as same as the other stimulants, but w/o the insane hyper-activity and jitter or anxiety. Not even caffeine, which I recently read is not really as good as people think for weight training since it takes all your blood oxygen to your brain instead of your muscles....who knows.....
I will keep trying to see if effects diminish
Amazingly this is what seems to work best....
1. One bowl of low-sugar Instant Oats with cup fat free milk
2. One large Banana
3. 200mg Ibuprofen
4. 3 tbsp of Twinlab Liquid Amino Acids
This gave me energy as same as the other stimulants, but w/o the insane hyper-activity and jitter or anxiety. Not even caffeine, which I recently read is not really as good as people think for weight training since it takes all your blood oxygen to your brain instead of your muscles....who knows.....
I will keep trying to see if effects diminish