AST Sports Science Nutritional Calculator
Here is your daily macro-nutrient breakdown for building lean muscle mass without adding unwanted body fat.
Calories - 2400
With an ectomorph body type at a body weight of 160 pounds and a "Slightly Active" activity level, your total daily caloric intake should be 2400 calories.
Protein: 306 grams
Of these 2400 calories 1224 should come strictly from protein. That equals 306 grams of protein per day.
Carbohydrates: 216 grams
The calories derived strictly from carbohydrates each day should total 864 calories. This means your total carbohydrate intake per day in grams should be 216.
Fat: 34.67 grams
Fat intake should always be kept to a minimum. Out of the 2400 calories you consume a day only 312 or less should come from fat. That's a total of 34.67 or less grams of fat per day.
Daily Nutritional Breakdown
Sex: Male Age: 16 Body weight: 160 pounds
Body Type: ectomorph Activity Level: Slightly Active
Calories: 2400 Protein: 306 grams
Carbs: 216 grams Fat: 34.67 grams