It's cool that you're really motivated to get stronger, but you should not let the mentality take precidence over form. I would get your form absolutely dialed in--it's extremely important especially in exercises like the deadlift. Your 275 wasn't so hot and your 315 honestly could have sent you to a doctor or chiropractor.
Work on getting your form impeccable, then add weight slowly over time. Adding weight too quickly is a recipe for failure. People don't realize that adding 2 lbs every week doesn't seem like a lot, but in 4 years you will have added over 400 lbs to your deadlift (assuming you're performing the necessary accessory work after you've passed around the 350 lb mark if not before). Tell me you wouldn't be happy with a 600 lb textbook-perfect-form deadlift in the next few years. You would be light years ahead of 98% of the training community.
Work on getting your form impeccable, then add weight slowly over time. Adding weight too quickly is a recipe for failure. People don't realize that adding 2 lbs every week doesn't seem like a lot, but in 4 years you will have added over 400 lbs to your deadlift (assuming you're performing the necessary accessory work after you've passed around the 350 lb mark if not before). Tell me you wouldn't be happy with a 600 lb textbook-perfect-form deadlift in the next few years. You would be light years ahead of 98% of the training community.