uhm....get your permit in Ct then transfer it to Ma? I used to take my guns from Ct to a range in Ma pretty much every weekend and nary a law was broken.
Hell I lived in Ct, took my permit class in Mass then applied for my permit in Ct.
I'd give you shit but Mass does have some of the craziest gun laws I've ever seen. A lot of them don't make any sort of sense and Im a bleeding heart liberal.
A friend of mine in Mass. recently got arrested because he let his permit lapse. Someone broke into his house; he came home during the break-in has extremely aggressive dogs and guns...doesn't use either on the guy that broke in. Just called the cops. Break-in guy says the friend has drugs at his house (both foggers nothing interesting) cops go back to his house search it, confiscate his guns. Next thing he knows the DA is throwing unlawful gun charges at him and improper storage charges..dude doesn't have kids and theyre in his locked bedroom in his locked house...Im not sure how the DA really came up with charges in it.
The police dept doesn't even really get it.
the short...mass is fucked on their laws honestly