Testosterone therapy should only be used when other factor that have an impact on testosterone are in check, just as you say bro.
There are still going to a significant number of women that will need replacement inspite of this and especially post menopausal women.
Also after child birth a significant number of women loose optimal ovarian function for good and this impacts there test levels of course.
My wife certainly has everything in check yet her levels is low and she has symptoms. This all started after she had kids and her doc says this is not uncommon. So guys its not the kids and the large amount time they take out of your daily life that impacts your sex life....it's likely hormonal...low testosterone.
And having everything in check certainly hasn't improved my thyoid function(hypothyroid for years) It is genetic as everyone in my family ahs the disorder. Low symtomatic test levels in women also runs in families and is genetic as well.
This thread is targeted at women that have a real need and not for those that are looking to optimize test levels. True you could optimize test levels with test gel and improve your bodybuilding etc but this was the intention of the post.
Yet for those that do have a test production problem proper supplementation with natural test will certainly improve your bodybuilding, general sports preformance, and help with body fat loss.....and multiple other benefits as well.
If you have the symptoms its worth while getting checked out. I know of one lady on the board that is only 22 and has almost NO test production so it does happen in the very young.