Gays were already serving under Bush, I served with several and we all knew who they were, and don't ask don't tell was a Clinton initiative. Gays have been serving since the revolutionary war, Beyond that point, he said he would repeal it,, he did.
Barry double downed on Afghanistan and simply followed the Bush plan for the withdrawal from Iraq. Hell, he killed more women and children in two years than shrub did in eight with drone strikes. WRONG! he didn't double down on Afghanistan, he did add some troops, but less than the generals wanted. Barry go the troops out of Iraq BEFORE Bush's planned date. reason: Iraqi prime minister would not obmit American troops from certain laws it was making in its constitution.
Where are you facts on the drone strike #'s killing more W/C than Bush's wars of 10 years in two countries? Thats a bullshit FAUX news claim. Us being there in hand to hand combat,, hundreds of jet squadrons, tanks, and ship to shore missles has caused more deaths than a few dozen remote controlled airplanes.
Payroll tax cuts that destroy the "insurance plans" of social security and medicare. Shrub did the same thing with medicare part B where the average retired person spent 3% of their retirement handout on their prescription drugs. Not funding entitlements is hardly a feather in your cap.
The payroll tax cuts helped keep the ecomomy from going into a depression. And Bush's part B change isn't what destroyed Medicare. it was the C/D plans that did that.
Fuel economy laws...lool..Bush...a huge environmentalist supported the ...Clean Skies Act of 2003, a cap and trade system. He also heavily supported alternative fuel vehicles and bailed out the dysfunctional and mismanaged auto companies.
Maybe Lilly Ledbetter sucked as a supervisor, by all accounts she was payed a fair salary as a low level employee. Why should the government interfere with anyone's right to contract? If she felt she was being unfairly treated then she should have taken a job with a competitor and pwned them. Not a mature response. But does make you sound pro Union. "
Maybe she was a excellent supervisor. How the fuck would you know? They used to say shit like that during Womans Sufferage 1900's , Civil Right and about the Irish in the 1800's.
Credit card "bill of rights" just increased credit card fees on the poor..economics 101.
You need to read the refom.
Barry care just forces me to pay for other people. I have no problem with helping to pay for the healthcare of people that are fucked up through no fault of their own. However, the vast majority of health conditions I will pay a higher premium for are self inflicted. Obesity, smoking, and diabetes....These are personal responsibility issues that someone should have to pay for themselves via a higher premium