New member
Thank you for all of your help so far. I just wanted to do a quick update and talk about my meal plans that I have right now and would love some help with improving them. I just had a new body fat test done today. My other test was done by a “pinch” test (I’m not sure what the technical term for it is
) quite a few weeks ago. This time I had the underwater test done because I was told it was more accurate.
Weight: 189
Body Fat: 30.9%
I would like to improve my diet, I don’t think what I’m eating now is the best. I got the meal plan from my gym and it has me eating a lot of their products (which I’d rather not because they don’t always taste the best). Plus they don’t have me eating protein with every meal which I’ve read several times is a must. Does anyone have suggestions where I would be able to find a good meal plan for my goals and body type? Like I said before, I want to accomplish my goals and I would like to accomplish them as fast as I can and am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. When I say that, I don’t mean I’m willing to starve myself or go on bogus diets or just eat several diet pills that end up hurting me in the end. I mean I have the willpower to eat strict meals and workout however often (or little) I need to. If I’m going to do this, I want to do it right. You guys have been a lot of help so far and I really appreciate it!!!

Weight: 189
Body Fat: 30.9%
I would like to improve my diet, I don’t think what I’m eating now is the best. I got the meal plan from my gym and it has me eating a lot of their products (which I’d rather not because they don’t always taste the best). Plus they don’t have me eating protein with every meal which I’ve read several times is a must. Does anyone have suggestions where I would be able to find a good meal plan for my goals and body type? Like I said before, I want to accomplish my goals and I would like to accomplish them as fast as I can and am willing to do whatever it takes to make that happen. When I say that, I don’t mean I’m willing to starve myself or go on bogus diets or just eat several diet pills that end up hurting me in the end. I mean I have the willpower to eat strict meals and workout however often (or little) I need to. If I’m going to do this, I want to do it right. You guys have been a lot of help so far and I really appreciate it!!!