You should always be eating 5-6 times a day in my opinion. Total amount of calories will vary from person to person based on height, weight, gender, amount of muscle mass and metabolism. I don't know your stats, but females should never take in less than 1500 calories a day regardless of size. That would break down to say 5 300 calorie meals per day consisting of a protein, carbohydrate and essential fatty acid. For example
Meal 1: 1/2 cup oats in water- 150 Calories
1 scoop whey protein powder- 90 calories
1 1/2 teaspoon olive oil- 60 calories
Meal 2: 1 can of tuna- 150 calories
1 1/2 teaspoons olive oil -60 calories
1/2 cup diced yams or 2 slices low calorie whole wheat bread- 90 calories
Just an example of how to structure your meal plans. There's plenty of variety of foods you can eat to avoid boredom and still achieve all of your fat loss goals without feeling deprived of anything. And don't starve yourself!!!