by the way, if you live close....bring that pussy LS1 camaro down my way and lets line em up. then when we are done if i win (and i will) i get to beat ths shit out of your pussy ass. (|)<-----YOU BITCH
fuck that shit. i'm trying to keep something everyone uses out of the "limelight" and i get comments like this and negative karma. WTF is wrong with you people? fuck it, i hope they ban that shit. i'll stock up and you'll all be fucked. that'll be justice.
and i'm not doing it "to look good" whatever the fuck that means. i did it because he is a pussy bitch who can't even say it on the board in the open on a thread let alone to my face. no he gives negative karma like a pussy. fuck him and anyone who sides with him. hows them apples????
come on warbird, i thought you were better than this bro. you sound like a 5yr old crying because someone took your milk. who the fuck cares about karma anyways? it means nothing. you should delete this bro, i know your better then that.