Razorguns said:What "statistics?"
I've been to a lesbian club. I've also been to an army post. Probably 95% of real lesbians there are BUTT UGLY. I've seen this with my own two eyes.
You simply want to ignore 'reality'.
That's fine. But once you do that, the debate is over - and now i'm just babysitting your ego. Got better things to do.
It's a statistical 'probability' that there will be as many ugly straight women as there are ugly lesbians...one group (straight women) may appear to hide it better because they avail themselves of makeup and other ornamentation. I find it very curious you would argue this considering there's a plethora of threads in C&C about how ugly women are in the morning, sans makeup....and I'm making the assumption most of you guys are screwing straight women.

You're last line is silly and contentious. Babysitting my ego? Weird. I'm not in the mood to debate, either, unless you can provide evidence of some genetic trait or mutation present in lesbian women which *proves* they (alone) have a predisposition to BE ugly. But yeah, we both have better things to do.