Underground Lab steroids get cheaper in countries without tough regulations.
When it comes to human grade stuff, the places where you can walk into Farmacia and buy them, you will find pricing is pretty high then. Fro example:
-Testoviron by Bayer (Testosterone enanathate) 1amp of 1cc x 250mg = $8usd
-Nebido (Testosterone Undecanoate) 4cc vial x 250mg per cc = $75usd
-Ganabol 50 (equipoise) 250ml bottle x 50mg per ML = $100 to $150 usd depending place.
Just some overall pricing to keep in mind.
When it comes to human grade stuff, the places where you can walk into Farmacia and buy them, you will find pricing is pretty high then. Fro example:
-Testoviron by Bayer (Testosterone enanathate) 1amp of 1cc x 250mg = $8usd
-Nebido (Testosterone Undecanoate) 4cc vial x 250mg per cc = $75usd
-Ganabol 50 (equipoise) 250ml bottle x 50mg per ML = $100 to $150 usd depending place.
Just some overall pricing to keep in mind.