Still waiting on my guy to get back with me, hopefully he has it. Would you suggest oral or inject winny? I prefer orals but I don't mind injecting if it's more beneficial.
I'll deff take a look into Sarms, thanks for the suggestion.
Is there anything else that you'd suggest adding to this cycle like t3 or clen or should I save that for some other time?
gw is a MILLION TIMES BETTER OPTION than clen or t3... it beats them in every scenario... they are both muscle wasters, very catabolic with nasty side effects, especially clen... gw will maximize your cycle on so many fronts... it will allow for more intense workouts with the increase in endurance... it will aid your blood pressure and cholesterol, it is non catabolic yet melts fat... its by far the superior option... i laid out the entire cycle for you bro... that's exactly how to run it... check out my sarms articles and videos