New member
Hey guys,
It's been quite a while since i've been on here because I couldn't access my account for some time. I'm setting up a bulking cycle and i wanted to get some opinions from people with more experience with cycles.
I'm finishing up a cut (no gear/supps) and I'm currently sitting at about 10% bodyfat. At the end I expect to be around 8%. I plan to run a bulking cycle starting around January but I'm not sure exactly what to run.
Originally I was thinking about running this:
Cycle: 14 weeks
week 1-14 test e 500mg/week (250x2)
week 1-12 deca 400mg/week (200x2)
week 1-6 dbol 50mg/day
arimidex eod @ .25 mg
caber e3d @ .25 mg
week 1-14 1000iu/week
week 15-16 2000iu/week
PCT: week 17-20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Novla 40/40/40/20
The thing I'm not sure about is the "quality" of the gains i will get from this. My GOAL is to stay as lean as I can while putting on the most mass as possible (keep bf around 10% max). I would rather put on 10 lbs of solid mass with around a 2% bf increase then put on 20 lbs with a heavy increase in fat that i will have to cut and lose valuable muscle gained.
Now i know that diet has alot to do with it but i insure you my diet is spot on. currently eating 255g Pro 100g Carb 50g Fat and im losing approx 2.5 lbs a week (still maintaining muscle mass surprisingly). I WILL BE adjusting my carb and fat intake to meet baseline then again to a surplus before my bulking cycle.
This being said, would this be a decent cycle for my goals or would there be a better cycle to run? I've been doing alot of research the last 6 months and I have found alot of people stating they made very decent gains (10-20lbs) on a cycle while reducing their bf% by using drugs that help to promote fat loss. For me this would be optimal but its a very controversial subject. Also they claimed they looked their best while on these cycles. Better muscle definition, vascularity, harder muscles, etc. Drugs such as (eq, var, win, mast, primo.. also common t-3, clen)
so to get to my main question. In personal experience has anyone found any drug to put on some quality lean mass while reducing their bodyfat? also could i accomplish the same thing with my cycle stated above or would changing my cycle to these drugs that "promote fat loss" be optimal. Or is it a bunch of bull s*** and a bulk is a bulk and a cut is a cut and the cycles should be kept separate?
Please Help!
not really sure if I'm ready to mess with compounds such as tren, or prop. I would consider it but only if its truly worth it.
25yo 190lbs 5'10" 10%bf(will be 8%) 2 previous cycles (test, dbol) and (test, dbol, a little deca to see how i react/joints) quite a bit of experience in prohormones. 7 years lifting,(3years powerlifting, 4 years bodybuilding)
It's been quite a while since i've been on here because I couldn't access my account for some time. I'm setting up a bulking cycle and i wanted to get some opinions from people with more experience with cycles.
I'm finishing up a cut (no gear/supps) and I'm currently sitting at about 10% bodyfat. At the end I expect to be around 8%. I plan to run a bulking cycle starting around January but I'm not sure exactly what to run.
Originally I was thinking about running this:
Cycle: 14 weeks
week 1-14 test e 500mg/week (250x2)
week 1-12 deca 400mg/week (200x2)
week 1-6 dbol 50mg/day
arimidex eod @ .25 mg
caber e3d @ .25 mg
week 1-14 1000iu/week
week 15-16 2000iu/week
PCT: week 17-20
Clomid 100/100/50/50
Novla 40/40/40/20
The thing I'm not sure about is the "quality" of the gains i will get from this. My GOAL is to stay as lean as I can while putting on the most mass as possible (keep bf around 10% max). I would rather put on 10 lbs of solid mass with around a 2% bf increase then put on 20 lbs with a heavy increase in fat that i will have to cut and lose valuable muscle gained.
Now i know that diet has alot to do with it but i insure you my diet is spot on. currently eating 255g Pro 100g Carb 50g Fat and im losing approx 2.5 lbs a week (still maintaining muscle mass surprisingly). I WILL BE adjusting my carb and fat intake to meet baseline then again to a surplus before my bulking cycle.
This being said, would this be a decent cycle for my goals or would there be a better cycle to run? I've been doing alot of research the last 6 months and I have found alot of people stating they made very decent gains (10-20lbs) on a cycle while reducing their bf% by using drugs that help to promote fat loss. For me this would be optimal but its a very controversial subject. Also they claimed they looked their best while on these cycles. Better muscle definition, vascularity, harder muscles, etc. Drugs such as (eq, var, win, mast, primo.. also common t-3, clen)
so to get to my main question. In personal experience has anyone found any drug to put on some quality lean mass while reducing their bodyfat? also could i accomplish the same thing with my cycle stated above or would changing my cycle to these drugs that "promote fat loss" be optimal. Or is it a bunch of bull s*** and a bulk is a bulk and a cut is a cut and the cycles should be kept separate?
Please Help!
not really sure if I'm ready to mess with compounds such as tren, or prop. I would consider it but only if its truly worth it.
25yo 190lbs 5'10" 10%bf(will be 8%) 2 previous cycles (test, dbol) and (test, dbol, a little deca to see how i react/joints) quite a bit of experience in prohormones. 7 years lifting,(3years powerlifting, 4 years bodybuilding)