While I remain to be convinced a 'cleanse' is at all possible (see what your liver and kidneys do + eat less crap and look after yourself) of all the possible options a water fast gets closest.
While I remain to be convinced a 'cleanse' is at all possible (see what your liver and kidneys do + eat less crap and look after yourself) of all the possible options a water fast gets closest.
as someone who has done prolonged fasting i can confirm several thing happen
1. your WBC count tanks while on, then rebounds after. this is autophagy and happens after about 3-4 days. cell cleansing
2. your digestion shuts down after about 3-4 days. your bowel movements will start dissapearing. i was shitting once every other day vs. shitting 4X a day like normal.
if you start eating again it will go right through you. hire maids for when you come off unless you like cleaning up the toilet bowl.. this means anything in excess is gone. that means you cleansed everything out for the most part