5ml in one site is to much. Split them up ... 2 pins, needles etc. 2.5ml in each. Pin one in your right glute and the other in your left quad. Next time, swop them around, so then it's left glute and right quad. Good luck.
run 1 test only. you are making things too hard on yourself running 2 tests at once. if you want a short ester to kick things off run an oral like dbol or beastdrol.
primo is a pain in the ass as it is, you don't need to overload more juice.
run 500mg a week primo and 500mg a week test. split up the injections and try to mix your oils to lessen the pain of the primo. do 2 ml or 3ml tops.
Ok Id still take atleast 4-500 mg week. 200 isnt going to do much of anything. Id run 500 test along with it. I believe you said you had cyp? Just run that and save the prop.
I took dbol... my cycle was 600mg Test Cypo and 40mg Dbol for 5 weeks, then 600mg Cypo and 300mg deca for 5 weeks, then it was suppose to be 600mg Cypo and 40mg of stanozolol for 5 weeks but i changed to 400mg Cypo, 200mg Test Prop and 200mg Primo for 5 weeks bcos of cost & availability restrictions ... Btw the cycle was taken from William Llewellyn's Anabolic 2006 book only changed the amt of test cypo which should be 750mg per week