Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Is this for real?
Well, I hope you interpret the feedback on these products accurately. Cuz you once told me that you were getting reports that convinced you that boldione was superior to 1-AD.
w_llewellyn said:
Anabolicum Vister is no doubt similar in solubility. This works lymphatically. ANd if you dissolved TP in oil and made a softgel out of it, it would work much better than straight powdered testosterone. But why bother with the higher cost over injecting it, as well as the fact that Organon makes Andriol. The steroid market has better products, the supplement market doesn't.
I am anxious to hear honest comparisons, and agree whole-heartedy the consumer will ultimately be the judge of what works better and more cost effectively. I am also similarly confident my product will be recognized for superior product that it is. [/B]
Well, I hope you interpret the feedback on these products accurately. Cuz you once told me that you were getting reports that convinced you that boldione was superior to 1-AD.