He could smell a LOT worse...sometimes I just wanna dump a bucket of soapy water on some of the guys. One guy wears the SAME sweatshirt EVERY DAY. The smell of menthol would be welcome compared to stinky odors! Besdies, my favorite gum is wintergreen. LOL
If Icy Hot, etc. makes ya feel better, even if it's a mental thing, why not do it? There's a lot to aromatherapy too.
Zostrix HP doesn't smell at all and works MUCH better if you like the pain.
Word to the wise though...IF you lower back hurts and you put it on your lower back....when you sweat it will run down your crack...and HURT!!! Also...use the rest room BEFORE you put it on. Soap and water does NOT take all of it off!!!
Precisely. I don't use it before every workout. However, when my lower back or especially my elbows are feeling pretty beat up I will use it before training. Mental or not it seems to help.
Personally, I like Tiger Balm - it stains light colored clothes though. Luckily most of my gym gear is black.
For snowboarding, we use arnica gel. It really helps w/ bruising and the associated swelling, as well as muscle aches. Of course, I wouldn't need anything if I never fell. Or ran into anything.