Woah - chill Dabuff. IMO im not being a jerk in the slightest. Comments like "I refuse to do a cycle" (who's trying to force you?) and "its too time consuming" jus make me think "whats the point" - especially when Roid-free has been a member since 06. Two minutes of reading before putting up his post would have told him how much importance every member here puts in diet.
Not flaming at all roid_free, but you would do well to do more research on the diet forum - you dont need AAS to build muscle, agreed. In fact, avoid AAS at ALL COSTS!
If you want to actually post your diet/ training regime myself and other bro's will be more than happy to try an help - provided you can display a little bit of conviction and show that you have attempted to do a little research of your own first.
Not flaming at all roid_free, but you would do well to do more research on the diet forum - you dont need AAS to build muscle, agreed. In fact, avoid AAS at ALL COSTS!
If you want to actually post your diet/ training regime myself and other bro's will be more than happy to try an help - provided you can display a little bit of conviction and show that you have attempted to do a little research of your own first.