Damn society putting down carbs which we need for stored energy. Without carbs your muscles will be getting ate up instead of your stored energy. Carbs=good
I know carbs are NOT evil, they actually help me through my heavy workouts I weigh 129. My carb intake is 2x my bodyweight per day, about 260. Protein about 150 grams.
I just don't think I should add any more carbs ...
well, i think i am not alone when i say that's pretty damn difficult. so i gather that u get 1640 cals from proteins and carbs. what abt fats?
anyway i have done the low carb thing only when cutting. and i felt like shit. that is why i reduce carbs only slightly and only for sometime while cutting. rest of the time it is an all out bulk and carbs are a good friend then. don't try to get stuck in that lean mass thing. it's not easy unless ur on gear. either bulk or either cut- don't get stuck in between. that's my advice.
anyway i have done the low carb thing only when cutting. and i felt like shit. that is why i reduce carbs only slightly and only for sometime while cutting.
Same thing here. I felt like shit when cutting down carbs (and I didn't completely cut them all out even) It took me about 3 weeks of eating normally again until I felt better. Carbs = good, Carbs = fuel, Carbs = healthy That is the truth. One thing though, if you eat enough carbs and you want to keep your fat % down, then eating enough carbs but not too many definitely makes sense.
Eat EVERYTHING. And lift INTENSE. I wouldnt worry about "excess" carbs and fats,when I was bulking I sought out carbs. 600-800 grams a day, and around 6,000 cals on some days. This worked best for me. Keeping the protein between 250-300. I was 151 when I started this bulking diet, down from 185. Hope that helps
LOL, you are crazy beast, I respect your guys intensity in here, I myself am not a proffesional bodybuilder and I don't want to become huge... just big and defined
LOL, you are crazy beast, I respect your guys intensity in here, I myself am not a proffesional bodybuilder and I don't want to become huge... just big and defined
ThanX brother!! Im far from huge myself, and wouldnt even consider myself big yet. But I do see myself getting there, though my strength has always far exceeded my size. Even to get to where I am now, Ive had to eat like a maniac. Just to get my arms to 15-16" around it took ALOT of eating. Its an unfortunate part of lifting. It helps to keep a written journal, or even just an online diet journal. Ive written down everything Ive eaten since I was 18. Once I started doing that it gave me the motivation and discipline to start eating more and buying food. Its tough sometimes. Its gotten easier then it once was though, since Ive learned tricks here and there and my stomache has stretched. String cheese,peanut butter, and milk are great ways to add protein without hardly noticing it. Five string cheeses is 40 grams of protein. The more you do it, the better you get at it. Its a much needed skill in this endeavor. Im always thinking about ways I can get in more protein, different foods. I myself hate to eat, and when I was younger didnt eat for days sometimes. Bad nerves and stomache. But it gets easier. I had 2 double quarter pounders for breakfast with some fries earlier, so obviously all that matters to me is just getting it in!! I took a little nap, and now Im about to down 1/2 a gallon of milk and some meat thats in the fridge, a protein shake later as well. Just have to get in a rhythm.