i am probably going to sound like a complete moron here, but i assumed that everything has calories... (like fish etc) but not everything has carbs (like fish etc)...?
ya, more protein. for every one gram of protein theres foUr calories, same with carbs, 9 for fat... i assume u know that. but then again, u totally forgot about protein having any calories at all
It would not likely have an effect on the kidney, but it would be pointless. IMO 2 grams of pro per pound of BW is where the cap should be placed.
The whole idea that its hard on the kidneys is because it takes the body more protien to digest a protien molecule than a carb/fat molecule. So if your not fully hydrated, it can be more taxing on the kidneys. However bbers are usually pretty gung-ho about drinking water, so it's not usually a problem.