even though all of you are raggin on Jesus, he still loves you anyway.
MB and Huntmaster, i see both your points. MB, his belief does'nt mean he's ignorant. it means he has been taught and or concluded something totally different than that of what you have. if he believed a ball was square and you believed it was cubical then that is ignorance. what he's sayin, correct me if i'm wrong hunt, is that though he believes the act of homsexualtily is a sin he still respects the person and shows them love nevertheless. much like someone who does drugs, is a rapist, child molester, petty thief, a sin is a sin. you don't hate a person but an act. you dont' stop caring or loving for a person cause of an act. God loves everyone despite their actions. my belief is though some people blow the act of homosexuality out of proportion, and focus too much on it rather than things like rape, incest, robbery, murder, ect. a sin is a sin, there is no lesser or worse. some believe hs is a sin while others do not, just as some believe drug usage is a sin while some do not. it's all the same. hate the sin(act) not the sinner(person). last but not least respect each others beliefs. that goes for everyone. you want respect you have to give it. it's earned , it's not a gift or a luxury. MB and Hunt, i respect both your opinions and beliefs therefore i am trying to mediate here in a peacefull civil manner. i dont mean to get on a soap box, sorry if thats what seemed to have happend.