do gay porn, make sure you swallow, make sure your tight, make sure you give the guy a b.j. after he does you so your breath can smell like ka ka all day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Do you speak this way in public? Not trying to be rude to ya or anything but I have read about 3 of your posts in the past 20 minutes and each time you have literally made me cringe. What type of woman are you hoping to lure with this rap of yours? I think you are an attractive guy don't get me wrong but just like attractive women when you hear this kind of god awful crap spewing forth it really is a turn off.
Who knows you might even get to fuck jenna j or tera patrick.I'd love to do it but plain and simple wouldn't have the balls to do it.I wouldn't want my face visible for whoever to see it forever more.
Right now I wouldn't give a fuck,but in twenty years time (if I'm still around) I might have a different opinion.As said I'd love to do it but just don't have the balls...........
star i dont really act this way in public im much more preverted in real life....just kidding heheh i figure everyone on this chat board kinda acts like a numbskull so why not join the crowd and be silly too...i didnt mean to offend you i apoligize.
john crane--i guess my bodyfat is maybe 9 percent in the bottom pictures and probably 12 percent in the top picture. i dont have an about 20 pounds heavier than that main picture though ive beefed up a bit