lol i disagree we cana rgue with the nehancements avaialable today to bodybuilders almost anyone can acheieve a physique of his size
just look at kai greene or phil heath
kai for over 10 years had a very similar physique and showed he playued at a very large size
then over a peroid of 1 year manages to all sudden throw on 30-40 pound sof lean muscle mass in his offseason? hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
phil heath use to be a scrawny basketball player
few years and he won NPC championship and again showed a similar stage to kai
turned pro and BANG we saw a similar 30-40 pounds gained
we can look at phils last year, compare his size and ocndition in the rescent arnold classic to last years peroformances on stage and we can see a HUGE difference
i mean lets consider it, we can argue the guys had muscle fiber distiribution, insertion points, long muscle fascias and wateva
but when these guys are using 5-6 grams of anabolic MINIMUM, synthol, growth hormones, insulin, implants, thyroids, appetite suppresents, diuretics, IGF all in huge doses
can we really argue they have great genetics? and if so are they geneticaly gifted in there ability to grow? or there bodys abilitys to handle such HUGE levels of substances?
we can look and most guys who stood on the pro level bodybuilding scene 20 years ago, there average arm size was 18 and half to 19ich shredded, guys who had arms over 20 inches were consider gifted and VERY gifted
we look at the pros today and 22 inches is considered standard if not lagging behind there massive frames
we all know dexter jackson, look into his old bodybuilding contests, he was naturaly very lean and almost ectomorphic but carried VERY little size, we look today and hes a monster and very lean
you say look at dorian yates back and calves and say he had good genes, but ive seen pros with the shittest calve genes turn them into prize winning calves with 3 months of synthol use so its not as hard to do as people think
people arhue alot of these pros were very geneticaly gifted, i disagree, when your using that level of substances to achieve there size then does genetics really play that big of a factor anymore?
they might have had better then average genetics then the average guy, but lets face it we look at them before they hit the gear and weve probably seen guys in our gym who are natural show greater potential then these pros
just my thoughts