Like the other hormones, your thyroid can change over time, so it would be worth testing again if you're having symptoms. Thyroid problems can start long before they are detected by traditional tests. An excellent book on the subject is The Thyroid Solution by Ridha Arem. He tells you what tests and what to look for if you fall in the normal range but still have definite symptoms.
Lots of the symptoms of low testosterone mimic those of hypothyroidism, as well as certain sleep disorders, adrenal fatigue, and problably other things as well.
I even spent a night in a sleep lab, and they said my sleep pattern (falling quickly into REM sleep, lots of vivid dreams, excessive daytime sleepiness) was an indicator of narcolepsy, although I never had the 2nd sleep study you need to have it officially diagnosed because coincidently soon after I started the test creme.
Like magic I no longer fall asleep at inappropriate times like I used to (never driving but just about any other time I'd have to be still for any length of time). I'm able to stay alert all day w/o naps and medication. This sleepiness problem started long before the low libido, but I wonder if that wasn't a sign that it was getting low?
Lots of the symptoms of low testosterone mimic those of hypothyroidism, as well as certain sleep disorders, adrenal fatigue, and problably other things as well.
I even spent a night in a sleep lab, and they said my sleep pattern (falling quickly into REM sleep, lots of vivid dreams, excessive daytime sleepiness) was an indicator of narcolepsy, although I never had the 2nd sleep study you need to have it officially diagnosed because coincidently soon after I started the test creme.
Like magic I no longer fall asleep at inappropriate times like I used to (never driving but just about any other time I'd have to be still for any length of time). I'm able to stay alert all day w/o naps and medication. This sleepiness problem started long before the low libido, but I wonder if that wasn't a sign that it was getting low?