I think what is most interesting in that Insulin Index article is that a high protein intake with low fat content also results in a rather significant release of insulin(fish). This is why it is important to keep the ratio's favoring fat over protein in any type of diet that is attempting to absolutely minimize insulin levels either chronically(straight keto) or periodically(TKD, Animalbolics). For example if you read Mr.X's TKD manual you will notice that he keeps his percentages favoring fats over proteins for all meals outside of his timed carbohydrated intake. I think this has the potential to confuse people (I know it confused me) since we are often reading that diets that include carb intake should minimze fat intake. This is very true, however it can be incorporated into a pre-scheduled meal to meal basis, rather than an entire day. I am just not a fan of super high protein intake, the research snipets I've read about just don't support it even in weightlifting athletes. I know that for myself taking in anything over 30grams of protein unopposed by fat throws me out of ketosis. Others have speculated that excess protein will just get converted to glucose anyway, so what's the point if you are trying to either minimze, time or both your carb intake. Just my opinion...