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Info for cyclists


New member
First off, let me start by saying that I raced for quite a few years on the road based in Belgium and I have a few comments to add to never ending fascination with the topic of drugs in cycling.

1. If you take any drugs for races here in America you truly need psychological help. Just train, eat well, and rest.

2. In Europe the anabolics of choice are: oxandolone, winstrol, primobolan and small amounts of test.

3. From my years spent overseas I've come to the realization that most europeans athletes have apalling diets. Thay are basically brain dead on this topic. Often they take medications when just eating better would be a more intelligent choice.

4. For many of you constantly asking about the assortment of drugs riders take in stage races, I think you would be surprised to learn that the 2 most common drugs taken are not anabolics. In fact they are drugs to clean out the liver (riding 6 hours a day and eating on the bike isn't exactly practical on the body) and muscle relaxers. After about the 6th or 8th day in any stage race every single rider is on muscle relaxers or they are out of the race for sure.

Perhaps later I will post more.

Ciao for now.
I am interested in hearing more of what you have to say, although to win races in America i think you do need to take drugs.. you mean to tell me Chris Horner was clean when he kicked all our asses in Redlands, and then again at sea otter and then one more time at solano? maybe he was, but I highly doubt it. Also, when you say liver cleaning and muscle relaxers are the most common during a stage race, why is it that in the giro raids last year neither of those were found? are they legal? and what kind of muscle relaxers are we talking about? alot of my friends use coladapins (sp?) for fun, is it the same thing? well i hope you decide to post again. thanks
Veloman - I'd have to agree with you on anabolics. While I've not race pro in europe, I have raced amateur. I've tried a few 'cycles' of different anabolics - eq, test, winny, deca,. Personally I found only a slight recovery benefit but not as much as you would think. Test being the best. Weight gain was a problem but this is more to due with my genetic makeup. A predisposition to gaining muscle easily I guess. I felt like corticoids mainly kenalocort40 (coritsone) are used more prevantly. The strong antiinflammatory effects are great for stage races and keeping soreness away. Shit will make you waste away (muscle). Cortisone, epo and amphetimines are more of the norm than steroids.

I've heard from a friend of a D.S of a Large Pro Team here in the states that EPO is not as prevalant as in Europe with the pros but amphetemines are around. If it's going to make you faster though someone will get it and use it. Always.
OK, as far as Horner is concerned, I don't know him so I cannot say what he does or doesn't do. However, I can point you in the right direction. There was a book published in French called "Secret Defonce" which was written by ex pro Erwann Menthour who was racing on Francaise des Jeux at the same time as Horner. In this book he names names and relates many insane stories. If you can read French I surely recommend it. Anyway, in one incident he talks of how he along with a few teammates (including Horner) were experimenting with a new "substance" and apparently it had an adverse affect as all those who tried it were off the back almost immediately that day. Live and learn I guess.

As far as muscle relaxers go, I know of a former Mexican pro who rode the Tour in 1994 for a French team (if you know cycling you can easily figure out who this is) and when he returned home his bag was stocked full of empty muscle relaxer bottles...i mean tons of the stuff. Stage racing without them is a no go.

You know, I still don't have any idea why some riders have this fascination with taking cortisone. To me it is complete garbage. Some say it dulls pain and emparts a feeling of euphoria but I never felt that at all. I tried the brand Cromaten Cortex Forte on three occasions and all it ever did was further depress my immune system (you have the feeling you get when a cold is coming..runny nose, sore throat etc.). Also, these medications are catabolic which is another reason to never fool with them for too long.

Until next time.
Veloman -

I have that book by Erwin Mentheour (secret defonce). I lived in France and picked it up there. I also have the book in French by Willy Voet "Massacre a la Chaine" (has a section with photos). He talks of PFC's in his book as well; notably Mauro Gianetti ending up in hospital after using it. Although he never names him outright but you can figure it out. Strange - Erwin Mentheour is now trying to be a singer in France?!

I never got that euphoric feeling people talk about with cortisone. I did notice that my muscles didn't ache as much.

When I was in Italy I was told even Juniors were using epo. Everything is so organized in Italy. You see junior teams lined out getting motorpaced behind a scooter, followed by the team vehicle with extra wheels. The junior and under23 teams are more pro than the USA pro teams!
veloman- yah, i dont know horner either but watching him just destroy the field at the first 3 major races in the US it just makes me wonder. My french is not that good, do you know if there is an english version of Mentheour's book? I've never used cort. and dont plan to, id rather deal with some soreness than the catabolic effects it has on your muscles. And why the muscle relaxers? will they improve recovery? Quaaludes are easy enough to find around me, do you think they would make a big difference in week long stage races? thats about the maximum ill be doing this year. I read willy voet's book as well and you are right, they were all about cort... strange. Juniors in Italy also make more money than American pro's I remember reading that there were 4-5 juniors in Italy that made 6 figures from racing alone, if people are throwing that kind of $ around people are bound to take drugs.
valium has effects on nervous system

I knew i read suttin somewhere on valium & its effects on nervous system. i forget on how it effects NS. Im thinking of poppin 1 after 4 hr trainin days.
I've got some vicodin. The shit makes me nauxious though. So I don't like to use it. I've broke one in half and used it while racing. They work faster if you chew them but taste nasty as hell. Valium, vicodin, ativan etc.. the stuffs addictive so be careful, soon you'll be poppin one to go to the supermarket! A massage and a blow job by a beautiful woman is the best for relaxing the muscles.

muscle relaxers?!?!

you're on crack! Muscle relaxers are the worst thing to take while racing..... HOWEVER, I've never done the damn tour, but i'd imagine after 8 days your body would be in a state you're not able simulate by just training. But for those of you planning on taking muscle relaxers for something like Athens, don't do it... i've learned my lesson with naprelan.
Hey guys-
Sorry I didn't chime in sooner was away racing for the weekend. Here are my thoughts:

veloman said:
First off, let me start by saying that I raced for quite a few years on the road based in Belgium and I have a few comments to add to never ending fascination with the topic of drugs in cycling.

1. If you take any drugs for races here in America you truly need psychological help. Just train, eat well, and rest.

Agreed. Racing here is hard, but not that hard. It is easy to see how someone can get fit from racing/training fulltime and taking good care of themselves. I know plenty of clean guys who are super good.

2. In Europe the anabolics of choice are: oxandolone, winstrol, primobolan and small amounts of test.

Makes sense. If you do your homework you'll see why these are good drugs for cyclists.

3. From my years spent overseas I've come to the realization that most europeans athletes have apalling diets. Thay are basically brain dead on this topic. Often they take medications when just eating better would be a more intelligent choice.

I haven't raced over there, but have a few friends who have raced there and they same the same. I have gotten the same impression that europeans know little about advanced nutrition-example the French and Belgians-not very scientific countries

4. For many of you constantly asking about the assortment of drugs riders take in stage races, I think you would be surprised to learn that the 2 most common drugs taken are not anabolics. In fact they are drugs to clean out the liver (riding 6 hours a day and eating on the bike isn't exactly practical on the body) and muscle relaxers. After about the 6th or 8th day in any stage race every single rider is on muscle relaxers or they are out of the race for sure.

This makes sense too. Your liver is a giant filter and I'm sure it is full of crap after a few days of stage racing. Muscle relaxers-I can see that. After 3 days of racing your legs feel like wood so muscle relaxers would help them loosen up some and probably make massage more bearable.

Perhaps later I will post more.

Ciao for now.

Veloman-that's all good info. Keep posting. It's great to see more cyclists posting stuff especially guys with firsthand knowledge and experience.

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