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I watched Chris Bell's documentary "Prescription Thugs" about prescription drug use in the USA. Then I made a list of all of my prescriptions. I'm on 14 different prescription drugs! I'm thinking that it might be healthier to go all natural. I've been on Xanax or Klonopin for 27 years straight! Now my doctor decided to pull me off of the benzodiazepines and I'm in withdrawal just from having my dose lowered! I was taking 4mg/day of Klonopin for my panic attacks. I'm now down to 1.5mg. Despite still taking it, I'm feeling nasty withdrawal from this shit just from lowering the dose! Now I find out that you can have a seizure because of the withdrawal. The worst withdrawal is still to come when I stop completely. I was an ignorant teenager when they first gave me Xanax. Nobody told me I would have problems quitting it. Back then Xanax wasn't a household name and being abused. I had no idea what it was going to do to me. This psychiatrist treating my panic attacks was horrible. He kept increasing my dose to the point where I was taking 24mg/ daily! Yep, I was taking 12 Xanax bars per day my second year of college. It turned me into a zombie. After that year, I was struggling academically and transferred to a university close to home where I could stay with mom and dad and I could go to a different psychiatrist to get my dose lowered. I found a better doctor and got my dose down to 8mg of Xanax. Eventually I was switched to Klonopin which is almost the same thing. Now my doctor is cutting me off. He's an asshole for doing it abruptly putting me at risk and sending me into withdrawal. I have quit anabolic steroids though. Even though there's no withdrawal sickness they are mentally addictive and stopping increased my depression. I'm sure I will be healthier without gear although I'm still taking TRT at a dose of 100mg every 2 weeks of testosterone cypionate. I'm looking at the 14 different drugs I'm taking and taking a look to see which ones I can do without. Because of the pill popping culture of the USA, I never even questioned all of the drugs I'm using. I'm not sure all of these drugs are even helping me. I'm taking crap like gabapentin that's supposed to be for my shoulder pain. I don't even think it helps. Sorry, I know this isn't exactly about roids or sarms but I think it's definitely fitness related. Take a good look at what you are prescribed. It may be killing you.