Most of this was already said but just wanted to put it all in 1 easy to read post. This is the author's recommendation for the Stronglifts 5x5 routine:
"Stronglifts 5x5" Routine
3 days a week alternating between an A and B day, doing only the exercises listed below. For example you might do this M/W/F every week. Any 3 nonconsecutive days a week are suitable.
Workout A
Squat 5x5
Bench Press 5x5
Barbell Rows 5x5
Workout B
Squat 5x5
Overhead Press 5x5
Deadlift 1x5
Always do the exercises in the same order as listed.
5x5 means 5 working sets of 5 at the same weight. 1x5 means 1 working set of 5.
These sets should always be preceded by 2-3 warmup sets (depending on how much weight you are lifting). There's no need to ever exceed 5 reps on your warmup sets. The object isn't to fatigue yourself, it's to warm up. The author gives, as an example, the following:
Say your working weight was 135 on squats:
· 2×5 45lbs => 2 sets of 5 reps with the empty Olympic bar
· 3 x 90lbs => 1 set of 3 reps with the 45lbs bar + 22.5lbs/side
· 5 x 135lbs => first set of 5 reps with your work weight
· 5 x 135lbs => 2nd set of 5 reps with your work weight
· 5 x 135lbs => 3rd set of 5 reps with your work weight
· 5 x 135lbs => 4th set of 5 reps with your work weight
· 5 x 135lbs => 5th and final set of 5 reps with your work weight
The author strongly recommends starting with the empty bar in week 1 for bench, squats, and overhead press. He recommends starting with 95 and 65 lbs on deadlift and barbell rows. He goes on to say, however, that if you have been lifting weights during the past months and are highly familiar with all the lifts in the program, then you can start with 50% of your 5 rep max on each lift.
Every time you repeat an exercise (on a new day), you add 5 lbs to each exercise (that's 2.5 lbs on each side of the bar). Deadlifts is an exception to this; instead of 5 pounds, add 10 pounds every time you deadlift (5 lbs on each side of the bar). When you can no longer add 10 lbs per side on deadlift, then you switch to adding 5 lbs per workout.
When eventually you stall on a lift, keep attempting that same weight for 2 more workouts. If you still cannot hit it, then reduce the weight only on that lift by 10% (or in other words multiply whatever weight you stalled at by 0.9) and start over adding 5 lbs a workout.
This is a beginner program. You will eventually stall. Once you need to deload 2x on the same exercise, the author recommends switching to "Stronglifts 3x5" routine.
That sums it up.