New member
I would like to put forth a different view point. After having studied and examined many liver disease patients I think all of the liver health supps are actually bad for the liver. Everything you injest, that is water soluble and therefor goes into the hepatic portal vein system, places a strain on the liver. There is nothing you can take that will protect your liver. The best way to protect your liver is to not injest things that will harm it. Even spicey foods put strain on the liver. There a was a case in the news a while back of a up and coming chef that made a vary hot hot sauce. He eat some and died in the night. I'm sure it was from liver failure.
So if you are taking things that put a strain on the liver you need blood work regualrly to tell if you are getting into trouble. Blood tests like ALT and AST are not liver funtion tests. They test for inflamation and can give false readings from a heavy leg workout. The test you nee for liver function is a GGT. It costs more but is the only way to get the real information about how your liver is doing.
If you do get blood work and it shows your liver is under to much strain stop everything going into your body. Fast on water with a little lemon juice for a few days. A three day fast will drop much more fat then muscle so don't worry to much about it. After the fast eat foods like white rice or potatoes. After a few days add some veggies that are not acidic. After about a month recheck you liver values. They should be normal or close to normal.
Don't waste your money and put more strain on your liver by stuffing these liver supps down your throat.
Big_Joe, can you come back on and explain this please? I am very interested in how you came to these conclusions.