I've been training for well over ten years now and I've finally realised its not about 10-12 reps, 5x5, conjugate, dc training or any other system out there, if there's some guy at your gym you'd like to look like and he's benching 3 times a week that doesn't mean that's what you need to do. If it was that cut and dry there'd be one routine and one diet. I followed friends, articles, my favourite body builder and now I have injuries to deal with forever cos that's what you gotta do right? What they do? If it doesn't feel right then maybe it's not for you, if it hurts, stop. If you don't get results then change what your doing. I'm not a trainer or a coach but I do kno I hit a 246kg squat last week I'm 107kg, and one year ago I was not even squatting. I only hit singles or doubles. One max lift a week, only bench once a month, haven't done a lat pull down or a chin up in over a year but I'm as strong as I've ever been on gear and I'm not even cycling.
This may be ramble to most people but if your training isn't giving you what you want then maybe think about trying something different.....
This may be ramble to most people but if your training isn't giving you what you want then maybe think about trying something different.....