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My girlfriend shows signs of low testosterone. Her symptoms exactly match that of a low androgen level in women. They include: NEVER has had an orgasm, low sex drive (I think she only has sex to please me), low self asteem, vaginal dryness, fatigue, aches/pains, foggy thinking, memory lapses, incontinence, depressed, and sleep disturbances. She began taking BC at the age of 15, less than a year after she had her first period. She says that her period was always out of wack (once she took Depo-prevera and it put her on her period for six months) until she found a BC pill that finally regulated it for her. We have talked about it and I would very much like to help her. She says she enjoys having sex, but I have my doubts. We went to my general practitioner yesterday and he ordered free test and DHEA levels checked by blood test. She has no insurance as of now (I am getting her insurance next week) so those tests cost $423 (which I payed). My doctor says he has given test injections to women (normally older than her- 22) at a dosage of 50 mg test cyp every 2-3 weeks. She is not in to bodybuilding our gear (as I am), so she is scared of possible sides. What should I determine from the tests? What are normal levels in women? Can anyone tell me at what level she might start to see sides? I am also concerned that there could be an underlining problem causing it. She once had cysts on her overies which she said was treated by oral medication only. Any ideas of what could be wrong? I really love her and want to help her live the highest quality of life possible. Any help or advice would be greatly appreciated.