Cool Novice
Registered: Apr 1999
Location: canada
Posts: 73
ok, you all know summer is comming up and we all want to look good for the ladies,
well i just want some experienced fat burners oppinions here.
ok, im doing 3 days on, one off heavy weight training in the morning with no breakfast,
just an orange and eca.
im trying the 4 - 6 minni meals a day with protein powder. low carb-moderate fat-high
protien. lots of water with lemon juice, tea, vitamins, fruits and vegetables. whenever
it is nice out i go hiking or jogging, it is comming off so slow, any suggestions?????
Registered: Apr 1999
Location: canada
Posts: 73
ok, you all know summer is comming up and we all want to look good for the ladies,
well i just want some experienced fat burners oppinions here.
ok, im doing 3 days on, one off heavy weight training in the morning with no breakfast,
just an orange and eca.
im trying the 4 - 6 minni meals a day with protein powder. low carb-moderate fat-high
protien. lots of water with lemon juice, tea, vitamins, fruits and vegetables. whenever
it is nice out i go hiking or jogging, it is comming off so slow, any suggestions?????