Team SB I apologize to you guys the most, cause you are an elite group who have seen the coming of The Chosen One and do not take him for granted. CEO and N2 sorry ngrs, whilest thoust did not have EF closely tucked to thine boosom it suxed and the server crashed.To all my bros on the Jaguars defense, Woot and Plank sorry I wasnt holding down my linebacker spot and my place in the shower. From time to time Beezekiel must branch out and gather his flock who have strayed away from the safety of his mighty staff. When drawing the flock back to the safety on his own great and mighty staff, Beezekiel sometimes has to gather new deciples and spends much time bestowing blessings upon thine new sheep. These new sheep are like infants and have to suckle from the nectar of thine enormous and rigid staff before they can fully come to understands the ways and teachings of Beezekiel The Choosen One. Along the way the infidels work vigerously to undermine the teaching of the great and most Choosen One Beezekiel. But his sheep and his Team knows that it is the infidel who preches blasphemy and damnation to the land. So cling tightyly to the only truths this wicked world has to offer my children, forth we knoweth that they are banging bitches, shooting joose and The Great CHoosen One Beezekiel. Now go forth my children shoot joose and multiply thine seed by 100 times. Also fuck faggots like BB, Zwhit, Dialtone and any other bitch ass muth afucker who does not seeth the fucking light. Word