I've been reading some threads, but i need a bit more advice..My girlfrined is bent on starting something, she has a physical test coming up and wants to smoke it... she trains hard and eats right and almost made the olympics a few years ago... but she will not need to do a drug test in the future....She wants to get a bit stronger, and a bit more cut..Now i've got 5 or so cycles under my belt...but i don't know much about womens doses and side effects.. I was thinking 10mg anavar a day and maybe some clen....any possible side effects from a cycle like this, especially if there's a chance of not having kids down the road....what about length of cycle.. 8 weeks??? thanks any info would be great...i don't really feel comfortable about giving her this stuff without ME knowing that she'll be ok....i'm thinking about even just giving her clen and telling her its anavar or something like that.