Carth said:As my wife gets older. Her PMS is getting worse and worse. The cramps are getting worse. Her breasts from time to time hurt. But the worse thing for her is how she feels. When she gets PMS, she gets very, very depressed. To the point that she cries for nothing at all. Or just stays in bed all day long just crying or sleeping. At times she comes home very early from work. And at times she just doesnt' go to work at all!
Is there anything "naturally" that she can do or take to minimize her nasty PMS? She's already been to doctors. And all they want to do is prescribe her Zoloft (anti-depressant SSRI).
This is something that she does not want! She already takes Wellbutrin (dopamine reuptake inhibitor). And so she doesn't want to take now TWO anti-depressants.
Any recommendations would be GREATLY appreciated.
Do hope to hear from you ladies.
Ok ladies, I know I dont belong here, and you can delete me if appropriate.
After having the chance to meet with the head of the reproductive endocrinology department at Harvard Medical School(Dr William Crowley MD) and to ask him about hormonal treatments vs psychotropic medications, I believe his recomendation would be to have a complete hormone profile(lh - leutenizing hormone - , FSH - follicle stimulating hormone - , Thyroid, Estrogen, Estradiol, Progesterone and a few others that the ladies can fill in that i left out) done before adding any med to her current treatment regimin.
I have seen where adding just a very small amount of androgel and a very small amount of projesterone to the picture has worked miracles, so while there is no single magic hormonal bullet, I do know that a hormonal and nutritional approach is a valid and effective treatment for mood stablization, depression, low libido, and anxiety as well. In this case it made the woman extremely horny which is something she had not felt in years, so she was very happy with the rebirth of her sex life as was her SO

SSRI's are famous for inducing persistant sexual side effects(Big Rx companies side effect profile data does not match the real world data/ in the field data) and various mood stablizers are notorious for shutting down both the male and the female hpta - hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis - resulting in lowering FSH and LH production among other things.
Best of luck, I just want to say that from someone who has studied a fair amount regarding hormones and psychotropic meds, I would have your wife get her complete hormonal profile done first.
again feel free to delete this if it is not relevant or appropriate