To have definition, you must have muscle to define + low body fat. Can't have one w/o the other.
Think of all those guys (non-steroid using ones) you see pushing
really heavy many of them (or their significant others) think they're "too bulky"? Women's bodies make approximately
1/10th the testosterone (the muscle-building hormone) that men do. Every little bit of muscle we women get, we have to work 10 times harder
As long as you avoid steroids, you'll never have to worry about getting too big.
Of course there are always some genetic exceptions who can grow muscle like weeds, and if you happen to be one and see that muscle growing too fast, all you have to do is eat/train less to rein it in.
Usually the trouble with the average woman who thinks she's getting too bulky is that her diet isn't dialed in enough to lose bodyfat. A little new muscle + same old bodyfat = looking bulky. When gaining muscle however, the bodyfat loss may lag behind muscle gains.
Many women give up at this point, but they should just keep on training hard. Given the chance, the new muscle will help them to burn bodyfat, but most get afraid and drastically cut back their training and nutrition before that ever happens. They're still operating under the dieter's mentality rather than the athlete's mentality: eat like an athlete, train like an athlete, look like an athlete.