Ok I admit I suck at squatting but I am trying real hard to improve it. I will be squatting 2x a week. After watching the squat rx videos I tried to stay with perfect form and not round my back at all, stay arched and keep my knees out and go as low as possible. Prior to this I was able to get 185 10-12 times, now today I didn't go higher than 155! Hard when I'm already so weak to step back even further, and man my ass is so sore! I have horribly weak glutes and atrocious flexibilty in my hips and groin. Besides stretching and squatting, are there any other exercises I should add, I was eyeing the leg press machine today, but the squats kick my ass, I did 5 sets of 10 and did 2 sets of reverse lunges, I feel like I'm kinda shorting myself but my lower half is pretty much toast. Any accessory exercises maybe for glutes/groin I should add or is squats enough. I kinda figure if I got anything left I should just do more sets of squats.