Havent really posted on hear much but have been reading for a long time and am very knowdegeable when it comes to training for football and powerlifting. I am a raw trainer as well until im completely done with fb, which probably wont be for at least 5 more years if all goes well(college ball soon!). anyways heres my workout:Westside exercise sets, reps
Sunday(M.E.) Cleans 4x3
Front Squats 6, 4, 2
G.M 3x5, 3x3, max
G.H. 4x10 (slow ecc)
R.H. 3x10 (slow ecc)
Chins 14,10,8,6
sit-ups 3x12
side bend 2x20, 1x15
med ball 4x f,oh,l,p
GPP/jump rope 4 sets/4x100
wheelbarrow 6x100, 250
Monday(M.E.) Push Jerks 4x3
S.U 2x10
Incline Press 3x5, 3x3, max
Dips 3x10(weight)
Face pull 3x15
Cuban Press 3x8
pull down abs 3x15
twist 3x20
neck 3x15
Skill Set 1, 2 or 3
truck push 2x40
Tuesday/Thursday Pylos 2x xsu, hj, bj, cj, stj
SID/ 10,20,40,60 10x10, 6x20, 4x40, 6x60
Wednesday(D.E.) Snatches 4x3
Box squats 10x2 at 50%
G.H. 2x15, 2x5 weighted
One leg squats 4x10
Barbell rows 4x6
Barbell Shrugs 3x15
sit-ups 3x12
side bend 2x20, 1x15
med ball 4x f, oh, l, p
GPP/jump rope 4sets/ 4x100
wheelbarrow 6x100, 250
Friday(D.E.) Lunge 3x5
Side Lunge 2x10
Bench Press 10x3 at 60%, 3 grips
push ups 3x8, 70
standing press 3x5
lateral raises 3x8
neck 3x15
pull down abs 3x15
twist 3x20
Skill Set 1, 2 or 3
truck push 2x40
Saturday OFF
I also have recently have ordered some light bands and was wondering if they would be good for bench or squat speed days as well. Here are my current maxes: 515 squat, 510 deadlift, 350 bench(this sucks). I am also currently 5'10 213 at 13% for a size compaision. Thanks for you input gentlemen.
Sunday(M.E.) Cleans 4x3
Front Squats 6, 4, 2
G.M 3x5, 3x3, max
G.H. 4x10 (slow ecc)
R.H. 3x10 (slow ecc)
Chins 14,10,8,6
sit-ups 3x12
side bend 2x20, 1x15
med ball 4x f,oh,l,p
GPP/jump rope 4 sets/4x100
wheelbarrow 6x100, 250
Monday(M.E.) Push Jerks 4x3
S.U 2x10
Incline Press 3x5, 3x3, max
Dips 3x10(weight)
Face pull 3x15
Cuban Press 3x8
pull down abs 3x15
twist 3x20
neck 3x15
Skill Set 1, 2 or 3
truck push 2x40
Tuesday/Thursday Pylos 2x xsu, hj, bj, cj, stj
SID/ 10,20,40,60 10x10, 6x20, 4x40, 6x60
Wednesday(D.E.) Snatches 4x3
Box squats 10x2 at 50%
G.H. 2x15, 2x5 weighted
One leg squats 4x10
Barbell rows 4x6
Barbell Shrugs 3x15
sit-ups 3x12
side bend 2x20, 1x15
med ball 4x f, oh, l, p
GPP/jump rope 4sets/ 4x100
wheelbarrow 6x100, 250
Friday(D.E.) Lunge 3x5
Side Lunge 2x10
Bench Press 10x3 at 60%, 3 grips
push ups 3x8, 70
standing press 3x5
lateral raises 3x8
neck 3x15
pull down abs 3x15
twist 3x20
Skill Set 1, 2 or 3
truck push 2x40
Saturday OFF
I also have recently have ordered some light bands and was wondering if they would be good for bench or squat speed days as well. Here are my current maxes: 515 squat, 510 deadlift, 350 bench(this sucks). I am also currently 5'10 213 at 13% for a size compaision. Thanks for you input gentlemen.