If you run out of room for the frozen ice packs, you can freeze one of the bottles of liquid (or put in some cans of Diet Coke) and use that as the cooling device. If you schedule your meals correctly, the frozen protein mix is melted by the time it is your "last meal".
BTW, this is what I do every day for work. Currently in there:
- 2 shaker bottles w/ protein mix + strawberries that I blended last nite & put in the bottles
- 1 large salad w/ chicken
- 1 container w/ dry oatmeal which I will use as a bowl w/ hot water nuked at Meal 3 because I forgot to cook my sweet potatoes last nite.
- bag of fish oil caps
- 2 frozen ice packs
- 1 fork & napkin
- several "Wet Ones" carry packets