The lower body fat issue depends upon estrogens and androgens. Increase androgens and you'll decrease lower body fat, especially when dieting and it is easier to preserve upper body muscle. I don't think anyone who has juiced on this board will argue that and it is well supported by the tranny and post-menopausal literature with hormone (estrogen or androgen) replacement.
Ladies, am I correct, is it easier to achieve total body balance/proportion in both fat and muscle when juicing than not?
The only thing that not working your legs will do is make them smaller fat legs and if you can't flex fat, that isn't going to help much with balancing the legs with the upper body.
Any type of overload will lead to an increase in contractile proteins. To suggest that bodybuilders per se have more non-contractile tissue than powerlifters because of the way they train is questionable. Now if they're loaded on anadrol or T and are retaining a tanker car of water, then that is a different issue.
Low rep work prepares one for greater strength for numerous reasons, in addition the larger the muscle, the greater the mechanical disadvantage.
Take a chick with the arms the size of a number 2 pencil. If you compare her relative strength (force/CSA) to that of Dorian Yates, you may find her to be stronger in a relative, but not absolute fashion than Dorian.