I'm a powerlifter and now I'd like to get a little cut. I'm just back after a 5 year recovery from an accident. Now I lost 45 pounds when I did a keto diet before I hit the weights. Now I'm pumping and trying the anabolic diet, 2nd week, and just wonder what I have to do to get cut? I'm not a big eater. I'm eating about 5 small meals a day trying to keep my metabolism going. I'll have just a protein drink and call that a meal. Is that enough to keep the metabolism working?? Also I don't want to cut too many carbs because then I lose my strenght. Any suggestions? I do cardio 3 days a week. But like I said I'm only my 2nd week and maybe I just need more time. I actually feel I still don't eat enough, I just don't lose around my waist. Maybe I should just get all my gear put it in a blender and just have it all in one big shot and call it good.
Mr. Big
Mr. Big