I'm in process of writing a book, yet my native language has some differences with English so grammar/ names might be invalid.
It's #4.2/ starting from 299 page.
xernt.com/x/The.Most.Important.Knowledge.You.would.Ever.Read.Implement.and.Live.up.to.Forever.pdf (right mouse click -> "save as")
mirror: scribd.com/doc/161205573/The-most-Important-knowledge-you-Would-ever-Read-implement-and-Live-up-to-forever
If anyone would help to identify those sentences (grammar)/ names of the exercises, I would be very thankful.
Please post it below.
I'm in process of writing a book, yet my native language has some differences with English so grammar/ names might be invalid.
It's #4.2/ starting from 299 page.
xernt.com/x/The.Most.Important.Knowledge.You.would.Ever.Read.Implement.and.Live.up.to.Forever.pdf (right mouse click -> "save as")
mirror: scribd.com/doc/161205573/The-most-Important-knowledge-you-Would-ever-Read-implement-and-Live-up-to-forever
If anyone would help to identify those sentences (grammar)/ names of the exercises, I would be very thankful.
Please post it below.