Dial_tone said:
I never asked her but I'd put the diff at around 15 yrs older, if not 20. Also been with 17 yrs younger too.
That delta was a -13. He was 23. I was 36.
Of my two experiences on either extreme, I'd take the older guy. Both were functionally perfect (LLOL that sounded funny) ... meaning probably both same size / shape both Mr. Happy and the rest of the guy. If I could've harnessed the enthusiasm in the younger one -shit I'd probably be able to power Ft. Lauderdale for 5 yrs., but its like a really strong drive off the tee that ends up in the woods next to the hole -- lots of potential, but not quite there. The older guy however -- holy fuck. Though in both situations the relaionship didnt' last because we were all at different places in our lives, the older guy knew what he liked and was very very very good at it. The only hang up he had was going at it on his boat because that was where he worked -- (scuba charter) --- I dunno, maybe doign it in broad daylight in the heavy traffic areas off the beach might've been an issue too, but oh well.
But wow. The young guy had the intensity but I think he felt very much out of his element - he was recently out of the military, young & loose in Ft. Lauderdale, not a lot of money and probably blown away by beign w/ an "older chick" and all that crap. The older guy -- wow. He knew how to "work it". Friggen sex everywhere. All the time. Sex like you can't get out of your clothes fast enough. Clothes layign on the floor not only all the way into the bedroom, but up the front stairs & hanging on the front door. Somtimes didn't bother makign it to the bedroom. Sex in the hot tub. Outside the hot tub. In the pool. Next to the pool. On the hammock (which usually become under the hammock...

). In the kitchen making dinner. Pushing aside the dinner plates. Rug burns. Hitting the wall. Ran into a door once. On the boat. Under water. (LMAO Note to self: Rent a bouyancy jacket that DOESNT" have a crotch strap next time...) (We never bothered w/ the beach... sand gets in places it doesn't come out of...) But in the truck AT the beach.
But I think the ultimate difference was that we had a very strong connection that just fed the sex -- it was all about getting the other person off --- watching his face when he climaxed, feeling the shudders and all that. Oh well.... getting maybe too visual - but that was the first time in my life I experienced the term "Love" in both an emotional & physical sense and it was the most satisfying & complete feelign I ever had.