You've propably just decreased your recovery abilities by using Test at your age.
You should be able to train each bodypart twice a week (3-4 days rest for each part) at this age.
Get some ZMA, it might help you get kickin' again, and try to use some steriod that'll actually increase your hormone levels, or supplement them, I mean, man, you have LOADS of Test in your body.
When you are on steriods what you should really aim to change is the amount of calories you are eating and either VOLUME or INTENSITY of your workouts.
See, the key to success is to be able to maximize the efficiency of what you are doing, not just pouring resources into something that will only give you a slight increase in muscle mass. Thus, training for 2-3 hours 6 times a week is plainly stupid unless you are getting paid for it, and you'll end up depressed, and then you'll get fat and than you'll have some real problems.