Winstrol the Pooh
New member
I try to hit them twice in a 10 day period. I will alternate between two different calf routines. The first one I do consist of just single leg standing calf raises. I put a lot of intensity into my calves cause they need it.
I use a standing calf machine and I use one leg at a time. I start out with the left leg and pick a weight I can rep out 10 to 12 strict reps to failure, then after hitting failure I do cheat reps by using my quads and calves to move the weight for anoth 5 to 6 reps (a tip I picked up from a Tom Platz book), then I cheat myself all the way up into the contracted position and hold that contraction on my tip toes for 30 seconds...lastly I do quarter reps...then I rest pause for 10 seconds and start the whole process over again, then another 10 second rest pause and start again...then once I fail on that set I drop about 50 pounds off of each side of the machine(plate loaded) and rep it all out again with strict reps, cheats, and contracted pauses. And that finishes up my left leg (one set) and it is toast. Now time to rinse lather and repeat, but this time with the right leg.
The next time I hit calves I use all the same shock principles but with both legs at the same time then I move on to seated calf raises for my soleus for a couple of sets that are just as intense. Ever since training my calves this way I have a hell of a time walking two days after the routine. They are starting to improve a lot, but still want more size
For me I have found if I dump that much intensity into one set then I only need two to three sets to completely wipe out my calves. I have been training long enough to know when my body tells me a muscle group has been tortured and calves send me that message every time I hit 'em like this. They wobble so bad I can't keep them still after this routine.
I use a standing calf machine and I use one leg at a time. I start out with the left leg and pick a weight I can rep out 10 to 12 strict reps to failure, then after hitting failure I do cheat reps by using my quads and calves to move the weight for anoth 5 to 6 reps (a tip I picked up from a Tom Platz book), then I cheat myself all the way up into the contracted position and hold that contraction on my tip toes for 30 seconds...lastly I do quarter reps...then I rest pause for 10 seconds and start the whole process over again, then another 10 second rest pause and start again...then once I fail on that set I drop about 50 pounds off of each side of the machine(plate loaded) and rep it all out again with strict reps, cheats, and contracted pauses. And that finishes up my left leg (one set) and it is toast. Now time to rinse lather and repeat, but this time with the right leg.
The next time I hit calves I use all the same shock principles but with both legs at the same time then I move on to seated calf raises for my soleus for a couple of sets that are just as intense. Ever since training my calves this way I have a hell of a time walking two days after the routine. They are starting to improve a lot, but still want more size

For me I have found if I dump that much intensity into one set then I only need two to three sets to completely wipe out my calves. I have been training long enough to know when my body tells me a muscle group has been tortured and calves send me that message every time I hit 'em like this. They wobble so bad I can't keep them still after this routine.
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