Shut up and stop bragging, twerp
41 years old, I've been sexually active since I was 17. In 24 years I have had exactly TWO (COUNT THEM)
TWO purely coital orgasms, both with the same man.
Every woman is different.
BTW, little FYI (just for reference), panting, gasping, moaning and thrashing don't mean shit, on the other hand,
NOBODY can fake the involuntary muscle spasms that go on down below when a woman has an orgasm.
Okay, I'll go out on a limb a little, talking to other women there seems to be two types of women 1) multiply orgasmic women who get there through intercourse alone, but they usually have a series of smaller ones; 2) single orgasm women, who almost NEVER have orgasms through intercourse but the orgasms they DO have are earth shaking.