Boy I can see the headlines now. Primo's out now is on to pushing gh. Hell why not is much more expensive right. I can feel the bombs comming boy. I dont care I am still sore from the last 2 you bombed me with Satch. Why dont we handle this like men. I'll gain or loose just as much mass or bf% in half the time it takes you with half the amount of drugs. You know why because I live this shit 24/7. Any time any place. Youve been training longer than me by the way. Lets post up pics side to side. I was 280lbs of fat 3 years ago by the way never lifted a weight in my entire life! I sick of getting bombed and now im pissed off. I have been a member hear for a long time now and am not much of a bragger, but im sick of this! Im only 23 and put more heart into my diet and workouts than you ever will. Why dont you stop bullyin people, shut up, diet, lift, and listen to what the mods and vetrens have to say. Ive never had a problem with anyone hear until you. Who do you think you are. Your knowone, compared to some members here who have been working out for decades with degree's and certifications. Get a clue. Im done. Said my peace, and will continue to try and learn and help others without hurting people in the process. This board has brought a lot of joy to my life but lately its been making me sick!