spatts said: this the stuff you PMd me about? Did you ever send the links?
I'm not iron deficient at all...but curious.
I sent the links a long time ago. I was wondering why you neer responded. Something must have happened in the transmission. I'll post the better links below.
Carao was first developed to be a treatment for anemia. I stumbled on its other attributes mostly by accident and have found it to be a fascinating substance, but one we no very little about. I am not involved with the company and will not be; however, I am very aware of the work Lloyd (the carao guy) is doing with his children's anemia program so I very much support furthering the research into carao. (Anemia is a killer of children in the poorer parts of the world. Lloyd is using his profits from bodybuilder sales to fund his children's program - see I LOVE THE CARAO GUY thread.)
I am trying to get more factual information on carao particularly it's effects on women and women with anemia (carao's effects on women's sexual response is looked at in the Musclezine thread.)
There is a very small amount of carao left, but the carao guy is very wisely willing to donate bottles to get the product tested in different ways. I would be very interested to find out if there are women here with anemia who would be willing to accept a free bottle adn report back on whether or not it helped their anemia (w/blood tests hopefully.)
If anyone is interested in this please contact me or post below. And, please, be honest and ethical about this. The caroa guy is not rich and it is very honest and ethical of him to offer to make these donations to further research. If you would like to take part in evaluating carao and accept free bottles... please do so responsibly.
I would also be very interested in seeing what effect carao has on serious women lifters like Spatts. Again, if you would like to test it out the bottles will be free but please be responsible about this.
(First carao thread)
(carao - noticing cosmetic changes)
(I love the carao guy)
(carao and female sexual response)